DWI worked with TATA Trusts, Tata Memorial Hospital and associated field staff to develop two cancer screening applications.

  • For Mumbai police, a cancer screen application for Non-communicable diseases, Oral, Breast ,Cervix cancer.
  • For Public Health in Assam for Oral Cancer Screening.

With extensive reporting, live dashboards. field level screening and real time data, the time to analyse data for multiple partners was drastically reduced.

TATA TRUSTS came up with research project on Cancer control called ‘Collaborative Action for Control of Cancer and Other Non-Communicable Diseases among Mumbai Police’. It was undertaken by two entities, i.e. Tata Company’s and Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH), with Tata Company’s being the funding body and TMH being the implementing one.`

The Project involved Screening of entire Mumbai Police and their immediate family members for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) such as Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension; and three forms of common Cancers, namely Oral, Breast and Cervix. Thus, a population of nearly 70,000 people to be covered, with all screenings taking place in camps. DWI was instrumental in making the ANDROID MOBILE application for this high security screening app.


TATA Trusts came with research project – ‘A pilot study to develop an efficacious oral cancer screening strategy for India’, in collaboration with National Cancer Institute (NCI), King’s College London, and Centre for Cancer Epidemiology (CCE).

The study will develop a risk prediction model for oral cancers a 3-step screening strategy for early detection of oral cancer. The screening program by capturing data and screening of 15000 tobacco users in the age group of 30-65 years for a period of one year. The screening model is largely community based screening camps organised in the Kamrup district of Assam. Positive cases to be referred to Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati, Assam. DWI helped with ANDROID MOBILE application for the complete multi camp online screening of the patients with multiple dashboard views and reporting formats.


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